National Office webinar: learnings, insights and next steps

We are delighted to invite all stakeholders, and those with an interest in the broader health and social care research ethics landscape to join us online for a morning of reflection and discussion.

National Office webinar visual

We will be discussing the work of the National Office and the National Research Ethics Committees (NRECs), including emerging trends in research ethics more broadly. Programme highlights will include a presentation from our guest speaker, Professor David Archard, Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, an address from the Department of Health, and a panel discussion on topical issues in ethics with NREC members. We will also answer questions submitted in advance and invite attendees to submit their questions via the registration page – more details below.

The webinar will be held on 27 October 2022 from 10am to 1pm.

Registration is now open via Zoom platform – please register here.


Preliminary programme

Session 1: The National Office and Committees – the journey to date

This session will provide an overview of the journey of the National Office and NRECs since the establishment of the office, with contributions from the Head of Office and the Department of Health. The National Office team will provide insights into the work of the NRECs for clinical trials for investigational medicinal products (NREC-CT) and the NREC for clinical investigations of medical devices and performance studies for in vitro diagnostics (NREC-MD).

10.00 – 10.15     Welcome and overview from the National Office

Dr Emily Vereker, Head of National Office

10.15 – 10.25     Message from the Department of Health

Anne-Marie Seymour, Principal Officer, Department of Health

10.25 – 10.55     Insights into Committee business

Dr Susan Quinn, Programme Manager for NREC-CT, National Office

Dr Lucia Prihodova, Programme Manager for NREC-MD, National Office

10.55 – 11.25     Q&A on Committee business

National Office team

11.25 – 11.40     Break


Session 2: Zooming out – surveying the research ethics landscape

In this session, we will broaden the lens to look at the research ethics landscape more broadly, providing a platform for discussion on topical issues. We are delighted to welcome keynote speaker Professor David Archard, Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, to give an international view. A panel discussion will round out the event, bringing together voices from across the ethics spectrum to answer questions on topical issues.

11.40 – 12.10     Keynote speaker

Professor David Archard, Chair, Nuffield Council on Bioethics

12.10 – 12.50     Panel discussion with Q&A: representatives from a range of perspectives examine topical issues across the research ethics landscape


  • Prof David Archard, Chair, Nuffield Council on Bioethics 
  • Prof Mary Horgan, Chair of NREC COVID-19 and Consultant Physician in Cork University Hospital and Professor in the School of Medicine, University College Cork
  • Orla Lane, Economist, Patient Advocate and Public Representative, NREC-MD
  • Prof Alistair Nichol, Chair of NREC-CT A and Consultant Anaesthetist & Intensivist, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin
  • Prof Barry O’Sullivan, Chair of NREC-MD and Professor, Artificial Intelligence, School of Computer Science & Information Technology, University College Cork, Cork

Chair: Dr Mairead O’Driscoll, Chief Executive, Health Research Board

12.50 – 12.55     Reflections on the morning’s discussions

Dr Anne Costello, Programme Manager, National Office

12.55 – 13.00     Thank you and wrap-up

Dr Emily Vereker, Head of National Office


Registration is now open via Zoom platform – please register here.

We are inviting attendees to submit any questions for the webinar Q&As in advance; please use the Q&A boxes on the registration form to do so. Questions will be answered during Session 1 and Session 2:

  • Session 1: For the Q&A on Committee business, we are inviting questions regarding the business of the National Office and the NRECs – for example: best practice in submitting applications, how the review process works, or what future developments might mean for the application process.
  • Session 2: For the broader discussion, we invite questions on the research ethics landscape more generally and emerging trends in clinical research.

Please note, the National Office will not address queries relating to specific ethics applications during this webinar; these should be directed separately to the

If you have any questions on the webinar or registration, please contact

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